Single-Use Plastic Ban on December 20, 2022

On December 20, 2022, the Canada wide ban on the manufacturing and import of 5 categories of single-use plastics begins; this means your plastic checkout bags, cutleries, foodservice ware, stir sticks and straws (except for flexible straws under specific conditions) are due for an overhaul. By December 20, 2023, there will also be a ban on the sale of these items. Similarly, drink ring carriers will have a manufacturing and import ban by June 20, 2023, and a sale ban by June 20, 2024. To keep these items out of the Canadian economy, Canadian manufacturers and exporters of these items are required to keep records for 5 years and by December 20, 2025, the ban on the export of all 6 items will also take effect.

The Government of Canada enacted the Single-use Plastics Prohibition regulation in response to the ever increasing threat of plastic pollution and waste on our environment and scientific data, including the learnings from the Science Assessment of Plastic Pollution. The ban is another step towards Canada’s commitment to stop plastic pollution.

To help businesses and individuals with the transition, Environment Canada has prepared valuable resources, including guidance on how to best select alternative products. The Government of Canada has proposed the waste management hierarchy to decision making to support environmental sustainability and protection in all areas, which we can all learn from and adopt for a greener and cleaner future.

While the traditional reduce, reuse and recycle continue to be key priorities, remanufacturing and refurbishment, and energy recovery will embolden and broaden our waste management efforts. Check out these additional resources to learn more about the regulation and ensure your business meets the requirements.

How is your business adapting to the changing regulations


– Preeti Sangwan, Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Whitby Chamber of Commerce