Chamber News
2023/24 WCC Board Elections

A Hungry Wolf is Stronger Than a Satisfied Dog!
This Ukrainian proverb came to mind when writing this blog. The proverb means it is better to be hungry for progress than to be satisfied with being stagnant. This saying reminds us that while making mistakes and failing is a part of the process, it should not stop us from focusing our efforts on becoming better at what we do.
True progress is only achieved through active participation in the democratic process and by influencing the direction of Whitby Chamber of Commerce (WCC). Democracy in action is a system of governance by all the eligible members of WCC, typically through elected representatives. It is your opportunity to make the WCC Board, along with the AGM, accountable for their actions on our behalf. This process is annual, it’s real and it’s tangible. I am of course referring to the 2023/24 WCC Board Elections.
Whitby boasts one of the strongest business memberships of any chamber in Durham Region. WCC is a driving force and in collaboration with other stakeholders on regional matters that affect us all in Durham. We need a clear and dynamic voice to communicate the successes and challenges faced in sustaining economic prosperity. This can only be done through active WCC member involvement. Please seize this chance with both hands and register your views on the future direction of WCC. Remember, only the chamber members can vote and only the primary contact listed for each member. Voting ends on March 6th at 5:00 PM.
I will leave you with another quote to ponder about positive collective action. “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb
– Ernest Ogunleye, Owner & Principal Consultant, EON Performance Solution, And Proud Advocacy Committee member